Karuah Magnesium Calcium Balance


Modern foods over-supply our needs for calcium (Ca) and yet are poor sources of magnesium (Mg). The irony is that no matter how much Ca we consume, low Mg can lead to increased release of Ca from our bones. This then ends up as Ca deposits in our soft tissues as calculi (Ca granules), stones or crystals. These then can block ducts and channels; calcify nerves and tendons; and harden muscles and arteries as they turn to bone.

Presenting Karuah Active Magnesium™ our wholefood blend and it’s partner functional food that we call Karuah ChancaPlus™.

These are aimed at a Mg-Ca balance act that has dramatic benefits throughout our body. Try them for yourself and please share your experiences. Others need to know.

See Additional Information below for our instalment plan options

Modern foods over-supply our needs for calcium (Ca) and yet are poor sources of magnesium (Mg). The irony is that no matter how much Ca we consume, low Mg can lead to increased release of Ca from our bones. This then ends up as Ca deposits in our soft tissues as calculi (Ca granules), stones, blocked ducts, calcified nerves and tendons and muscles and arteries hardening as they turn to bone.

This is known as the Cardiovascular Calcification Paradox.

Continued high intakes of Ca depletes Mg further which is associated with loss of bone density leading to a higher risk of bone fractures (frailty) and to further osteoporosis. It is also implicated in sarcopenia or muscle wastage and preserving muscle mass and function, even it’s insulin response to glucose, are all roles that Mg plays.

Check out this page on the nature of our wholefood magnesium and discover why it is so much better than anything else on the market.

The partner product to Karuah Active Magnesium™ is our wholefood blend we call Karuah ChancaPlus™ .

One of its many attributes is that it contains phytonutrients which have been shown to gelatinize calcium deposits in our soft tissues and has been used in traditional cultures around the equator and down into the sub-tropics where the plant grows wild.

If Ca can be returned into the bloodstream, plus Mg is plentiful, the Ca can be assimilated back into our bones and teeth for strength and function.

Our skeleton can renew itself every 10 to 15 years and the typical slowing down of this process, which happens as we age, can be reversed by getting our Mg-Ca balance correct.

Mg is essential in maintaining bone structure and function as it activates vitamin D which then moves circulating Ca into bones and teeth. Once in the bone cells, Ca relies on Mg-bound ATP (our energy molecule) to use vitamin K2 and the hormone calcitonin to lace the Ca into the bone matrix. This is a Ca-Mg-phosphate-collagen structure (hydroxylapatite) which gives our bones their strength.

Add weight bearing exercises; resistance training with bands; using stairs instead of lifts or elevators; getting enough quality sleep; and avoiding ultra-processed foods; and an enhanced healthspan and extended lifespan is more than possible.

But Wait. There’s More …

Mg has other functions too. It regulates what crosses our cell walls either going in or out. It activates or is directly involved in hundreds of enzyme reactions throughout our body and delivers the energy (Mg-ATP) needed for these reactions to happen.

In fact, ATP can’t leave the inside of our cellular organelles, the mitochondria, which produce ATP without Mg as a carrier. Mg takes our energy currency across to the inner mitochondrial wall, transports it through, then across the cytoplasmic sea in the cells to the inner cell wall. Mg can deliver it’s energy load along the way here of take it through the cell wall and out into the blood or lymph flows to wherever the ATP is needed. Amazing stuff.

Lucky we don’t have to think about all this happening. We are all over-worked and over-whelmed as it is.

And mentioning over-whelm, did you know that Mg is involved in our brain too with neurotransmitter release and re-uptake across synapses and this is becoming evident as a process dysfunction at the synaptic junctions is associated with mental diseases.

I could go on (and on and on) but you may as well click through and get some for yourself then let us know the many benefits you will get to experience.

Weight 1.5 kg