Karuah Active Magnesium – a functional wild food blend


The dairy industry has been disguising the truth from us in saying that calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones yet we all know elderly folk who have consumed dairy products their whole lives yet break bones from even a simple fall. The reality is that we are swamped in calcium. It can’t get into our bone structural matrix unless we have an active, absorbable, effective form of magnesium to activate vitamin D which only then gets the calcium prepared for storage in our teeth and bones.

Magnesium is crucial in balancing calcium intake and we consume far too much calcium and way too little magnesium. This  increases the risk of calcium deposits in our soft tissues, in arteries and veins, in ducts and organs as stones. Tiny granules of calcium (calculi) are also sites of rogue cell growth and calcification is implicated in the progression of the diseases of nutrition in our brain, heart and cardiovascular system and joints. Essentially, this includes all our soft tissues.

And magnesium does so much more. It is part of the energy molecule, ATP and without this magnesium-bound ‘fuel’ we will feel physically tired (as in chronic fatigue), mentally overwhelmed (as in depression, attention deficit disorder, anxiety) or suffer from moodiness, migraines, muscle cramps, twitches, restless legs, poor blood glucose control, insulin resistance. All these varied conditions are because magnesium is essential for over 325 enzyme reactions and 500 other biochemical processes that power our lives.

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Karuah Active Magnesium™ is easy to take in a multitude of ways. A scoopful or two can be added to juices, non-dairy smoothies (make your own nut ‘milk’) or add it to pancakes, oats, over cereals, soups, biscuits, meatballs, sauces – the list goes on ….

*** Here’s a frustration alert!!! ***

I recently went to find a pre-prepared nut milk and raked over the shelves and pack information on milks made from almond, cashew, nut and soy blends. Horror!

All but one organic brand had calcium added and the organic one had soy milk with calcium added. WE DO NOT NEED THIS MUCH CALCIUM!!! In fact, FAR more people taking calcium supplements suffer cardiac events such as strokes and heart attacks than break bones as they age.

It’s magnesium that we need … and lots of it.

And NOT in the form of crushed rocks or purified chemicals in any form – tablets, oil suspensions, etc.

The nut milk manufacturers have been misled by the dairy industry in the same way as they have misled the medical fraternity and the dopey governments that approve and say nothing negative about the falling nutritional value of all our produce.

My solution was to buy bags of organic almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, pistachio and walnuts and I made various combinations into my own milk product:

Add a few nuts of each type (around 10g all up) in a Ninja-type blender and mill to a powder. Take it as fine as possible, even opening up the lid and scrapping down the sides as the oils in the nuts can make it stick.

Next, add 100ml of water, a scoop of Karuah Active Magnesium™ and blend again.

If this is too much mucking around for you, simply add a scoop of Karuah Active Magnesium™ to 50ml of water, stir well, drink it and rinse the glass drinking the remaining powder. There. You are done for the day.

If you are a LIFE devotee, add your heaped teaspoonful of this too for the phytonutrients it contains. I also take my Karuah ChancaPlus™ at the same time so I am fixing my soft tissue load of calcium, reducing any blood sugar rise from fresh/frozen fruits I might add or bad sugars I might eat during the day.

Another option is to add a high quality, pure, dark cocoa powder, say a heaped teaspoonful. I like the dark cocoa powder marketed under the Plaistowe brand and easy to find in supermarkets. This adds more magnesium as well as PQQ which is too long to spell out but suffice to say, it is really good for your energy-powerhouses, the mitochondria, which are in most of our cells.

Blend it to smoothness and drink in the health, the energy and the enzyme food for the start of another amazing day.

There are more ideas on how to use this product below.

Ingredients: pumpkin seed meal, sunflower seed meal, lemon myrtle, anise myrtle, black pepper, activated (high vitamin D) mushrooms

Recommended serving size: Add 1 scoop (included in the pack) to water, low sugar fruit juice or non-dairy nut milks. Whisk or shake well and enjoy the delicate nutty flavour. It is impossible to be precise as to the ideal amount for each of us as our diets, activity, fitness level and existing magnesium:calcium balance will vary. Start with 1 scoop daily, add the odd extra at the other end of the day and see how it goes. If you suffer from night-time cramps, take Karuah Active Magnesium™ with dinner or before bed.

Each scoop delivers highly bioavailable magnesium which is supported synergistically by a host of other superfoods (Mn, Se, Cu, Fe, Zn), vitamin D and a lot more and so is a wise addition to a healthy diet.

Food Facts: Karuah Active Magnesium™ can be added to

  • a dairy-free, no added calcium, yoghurt such as Cocobella Natural
  • biscuits, pancakes, cakes
  • rissoles, patties (meat or vegetarian)
  • sauces, soups and dressings
  • used in a crumb (of arrowroot or corn flour and dried, shredded coconut, maybe some polenta) – use on chicken breast fillet pieces or fish or shellfish to seal in the juices when stir-frying
  • add to desserts or dessert sauces
  • sprinkle over breakfast cereals eaten with nut milk*

* Check the labels as some nut milks are fortified with calcium which is totally unnecessary, as we now know. Pure, unadulterated almond milk has near-zero calcium.

I like 1 scoop stirred into Cocobella, the dairy-free coconut yoghurt to which I also add some LIFE, some low sugar fruits of your choice (eg, strawberries, wild blueberries, cranberries), some nuts for their textural crunch, etc.

Incidentally, do not combine banana with any colured fruit and particulalry not with LIFE. Bananas contain an agressive enzyme (polyphenol oxidase) which destroys polyphenolic antioxidants – a particularly large class of these important phytonutrients.

KAM is a natural, whole food source of magnesium (and a whole bunch of other minerals and phytonutrients). It does not contain synthetic chemicals or inorganic forms of magnesium (no humans ever sat down to a meal of crushed rocks for their minerals).

May contain traces of tree nuts and sesame seeds which are packed on the same equipment.

This product is a functional food and is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate disease. Always consult your health career if you are on medication or if you get any side effects.

Karuah Active Magnesium back label

Weight .34 kg